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Duration calculation: Three-minute macro* Thumbnail

Duration calculation: Three-minute macro*

[Manulife Investment Management] Managing duration risk is important for all portfolios, so we modeled duration risk in equities. We also shed some light on what tech layoffs mean (or don’t mean) for the wider economy. Finally, we explain why the Bank of Canada’s aggressive monetary tightening relative to its peers may not be enough to prevent a recession.

2023 tax rate card for Canada* Thumbnail

2023 tax rate card for Canada*

[Manulife Investment Management] The latest 2023 tax rate card puts the most up-to-date marginal tax rates and tax brackets by taxable income source, non-refundable tax credits, and much more all in one place. This reference card is designed to help you and your clients with tax planning for the 2023 calendar year.

What can we expect for the rest of 2022? Thumbnail

What can we expect for the rest of 2022?

At the beginning of the year, we expected the start of a rate tightening cycle by global central banks. What we hadn’t expected was above-average interest rate increases, the invasion of Ukraine and its impact on energy and food prices, and supply chain disruptions caused by the zero-COVID policy in China...