Subscription Savings Plan
Newsletter WealthYou can now enroll in a *subscription savings plan. It’s like all those monthly subscription plans you have for services you don’t even use anymore but you keep paying anyway. Now you can do the same thing for your savings! Simply contact our office to subscribe to a minimum of $50 monthly contribution (which just happens to be less then the price of a cup of coffee a day) and we will do the rest. In exchange for your regular contribution, we are committed to diligently managing your investments to help your money grow. Which is to say, instead of being out $50 / month, you will see your savings grow by $50 every month with the added benefit of **compound interest increasing your wealth over time. It’s a valuable step you can take now to help work towards your future financial goals. If you’re interested in enhancing your financial security, contact the Ecclestone Financial Group today. Once you see the potential benefits of this subscription, you may consider cancelling all those forgotten plans and put that money to work for you too.
Please contact Ecclestone Financial Group | Manulife Wealth Inc. today at (519) 843-5110 to learn more. Visit efginc.ca and don’t forget to Like our Facebook page at facebook.com/ecclestonefinancialgroupinc
DISCLAIMER: Manulife, Manulife & Stylized M Design, Stylized M Design and Manulife Wealth are trademarks of The Manufacturers
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The suitability of contributions from others depend on individual fi nancial situations and regulatory requirements. Contact your Advisor
to discuss your individual investment needs.
*The Subscription Savings Plan is a pre-authorized contribution plan
** Actual returns will vary based on interest rates, compounding frequency, and market conditions.
Subscription Savings Plan EcclestoneFinancial Group